Note: In our next step, we will not use the default apache and unload the same would ensure that no issues prevail on the projects we make after the macOS regular updates. If it contains any error, not ok will always show the error whats wrong with your syntax. With every new edit on the conf files, it’s essential to restart the apache. Next for the test run : sudo apachectl graceful In case you face any errors : (48)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address :80 You will have to find out the running PID’s and kill them, to find run : sudo lsof -i:80 or sudo lsof -i:443 as per the error you have got on port 443 or 80, running this will show you some of the PID’s you need to kill, to the number connected with the ROOT user so if you see : httpd 9420 root 4u IPv6 so our command will be simply sudo kill 9420 This command will kill all as its root httpd Now-Again Test with sudo apachectl graceful sudo apachectl stop sudo apachectl start sudo apachectl restart I assume everything is working fine so that we proceed further.
sudo lsof -i -n -P | grep TCP With this, you may check what ports are opened in your terminal by default both are open as in the virtual host setup in our previous post we had created separate ports for port 80 (for Non-SSL / HTTP) and 443 (for SSL / HTTPS ) You will get the result as: TCP *:443 (LISTEN) with the PID’s and all the things running on the mac or your IP address, I added this step to ensure the ports are working and everything is good till now.
and point to the ports line with ctrl+w and type 443 this should look like the same as above in the screenshot, with this configuration further you may delete or modify or add the port numbers as I have come across certain apps that work on specific ports, I was not off the topic, but I think I dived a little deep into this, yes, as this is a crucial part to learn.
Most of the time, I have gone through the forums where people get confused with the default apache that comes with the mac and custom installed via Homebrew, so to avoid any confusion, a basic knowledge of how the server works is a must to get. TO ensure the ports are in the nf you may head towards the file with : sudo nano /etc/apache2/nf While in our next steps, we will change the Apache, Httpd everything to HomeBrew, so before that, we should make sure everything on the system is excellent.